Leadwood Limousins Golden Sale, 15 March 2025
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Sales Related Info

Interview with Jan Stiglingh: Exploring Leadwood Limousins in the Tuli block, Botswana.

The Leadwood Limousin Guarantee

Leadwood Limousins take great care in marketing quality animals that you can be proud of:

Animal Health

The Leadwood Limousin stud is vaccinated against anthrax, botulism, black quarter, lumpy skin disease and Pasteurella. All animals are treated against internal and external parasites. Vetswana conducts bull fertility tests and issues certificates.

Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs)

At Leadwood Limousins, we keep detailed records of our animals to ensure that we offer Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) for a range of essential production traits (e.g. weight, carcase, fertility). These EBVs provide objective information on the animals we are selling so that you know what you are buying!

DNA profiling

All of our animals are DNA-profiled, also known as “genotyping”, to confirm the parents of a specific animal. DNA-based parentage testing allows for correct individual identification of animals, ensuring a unique, permanent DNA ID for traceability.

Animals approved for sale

All our animals are inspected and approved for sale by the Limousin Cattle Breeders Society of Southern Africa. This process ensures that when you purchase a Limousin from us, you can be sure it complies with the breed standard.