Leadwood Limousins Brochure: Download here
At Leadwood Limousins, we continuously invest in top-quality genetics to breed fertile, functional, efficient animals with high-yielding carcases. Our Limousins are bred in an endemic heartwater area well-adapted to the harsh African climatic conditions.
We aim to breed well-muscled, well-balanced medium-sized frame bulls of outstanding quality and presence. Masculinity, movability, hardiness and robustness are essential. We also aim to breed fertile females with excellent mothering capabilities and sufficient milk yields of good quality to raise strong, lively calves.
We want all our clients to benefit from the unsurpassed Leadwood Limousin genetics. Our bulls produce top quality calves which in turn delivers top quality meat - a real return on investment, and superior in every way.
The Leadwood Limousin stud is registered with the Limousin Cattle Breeders' Society of SA and is inspected regularly for compliance with the Limousin Breeding Standard.
Limousin Breeders Society of Southern Africa