Why Limousins

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What are Limousins?

Limousins are genetically hard-wired to produce more meat more efficiently. The breed is prized for
its hardiness, regular breeding, easy calving, good milking qualities, longevity, fast growth, and the production of exceptionally high-yielding carcases with little fat.
The Limousin breed is functionally-efficient with an excellent average daily gain and feed conversion ratio. With their high meat-to-bone ratio and low fat, the carcass value of the Limousin is very high in comparison to other breeds.

9 reasons to choose Leadwood Limousins

1. Genetically produces more meat

The Limousin is known as the "Carcase Breed". Distinguishing the Limousin breed from all other breeds is the F94L myostatin "Profit" gene, allowing them to produce 20 % more beef naturally.
high meat-to-bone ratio and low-fat lead to outstanding yields of saleable meat of 75-82% of the carcass.

2. Improves commercial cattle herds with cross-breeding

Limousin bulls are the bulls of choice when cross-breeding with local indigenous breeds such as Brahman, Beefmaster, Bonsmara etc. The Limousin muscling gene F94L is carried over to a progeny during cross-breeding, increasing production efficiency with a high weaning calf weight and increased longevity.

3. More efficient with less feed

The Limousin breed has an excellent average daily gain and feed conversion ratio. They are good foragers, ideal for grass-fed beef production, achieving more meat per hectare. They are the ideal choice for feedlots since they need less feed for more meat, and they can be fed longer before putting on excess, unwanted fat.

4. Easy calving with small calves

The low birth weights lead to minimum calving problems in Limousin studs and when Limousin bulls are used with cows of other breeds. Because of easy calving, Limousin calves are robust, with less neonatal mortality and fewer veterinarian expenses. The calves achieve a high weaning weight quickly due to their characteristic fast growth rate.

5. Fertile with sufficient milk production

The Limousin cow has good mothering capabilities, producing more than enough milk for strong, beefy calves. Many large herds have an inter calving period of 370 - 380 days.

6. A long, productive life

The longevity of Limousin cows is considerable. The morphology of female cows reaches its full development between 6 and 8 years of age. This asset enables females to produce high-quality calves up to an advanced age of 18 years, and after rearing several calves, they provide remarkable added value in quality categories.

7. Calm character for easy management

Limousins have a relaxed and calm temperament making them easy and safe to work with.

8. Adapted to African conditions

The Limousin is very well adapted to diverse climates and conditions. Originating from France, the Limousin cattle evolved into a breed of unusual sturdiness, health, and adaptability due to the harsh pastoral and climatic conditions. In Africa, the breed is now farmed in feedlots and free-range conditions across Botswana, South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Mozambique.

9. Tender, healthy beef for the health-conscious

The breed produces naturally lean beef, low in cholesterol and saturated fats making it the ideal choice for the modern health-conscious consumer.